Friday, June 11, 2010

Missing in Action, but Still Training

As I sit here on the eve of my first 5K, I am overwhelmed at what lie ahead of me. This is a challenge that I have set forth on and I have only made it to running 2.2 miles....a 5K is one mile more than what I have been able to do to date.

If you have been following posts, you undoubtably know I have not put much into detailing out my trials...HOWEVER, I have let that slide and continued to train. So while something had to go, this time it was not my training, but my documentation of doing so. A pretty good comprise if I do say so myself.

So let me just take a small trip back to my "almost" derail. It was about a month ago and I tried on some jeans. They didnt fit. Not only did the jeans not fit, they fit me about two weeks before. Ok, now I know that I am gaining muscle (not to mention I am gaining it in the areas I dont need to, the ole' butt and thighs)...however, I had not been on the scales at all and this really made me mad. So I went on strike for a week. No, zip, zero, nada workouts.

I didnt plan very well, as the next week I was so busy at work that workouts were out of the question. Yes, your math is as correct as mine, that would be a two week break from working out in the middle of my training which up until this point was still walking and running.

Well, after my second week, I needed to get my butt in gear. Off to the gym I went. I said "self if I plan on running in one month for 3.2 miles, I better get my butt in gear". I will just run until I cant do it anymore and then take a break. If I put in five minutes max...I'd be happy. Well at ten minutes, I was pretty pleased with myself. The breathing was ok as I slowed down my pace, way down, but was jogging and I was great with that. Its not like I am trying to win here, I just want to complete it! That workout, I made it to 20 minutes. The next workout I was up to 22 and then 25.

WOW, I am really impressed myself! You Go Ally!

Then last weekend rolled around and I was off to a conference. Ok, I will have time to workout while there. Nope....not one day. Finally back on Wednesday, but worked until almost 11 p.m., so I put a quick workout in last night. My head was messing with me, as I only got in 10 minutes and walked for 2 minutes, 5 minutes and ran for 5 minutes...and so it continued for 2.7 miles.

And here I am.....I am looking forward to the challenge tomorrow and whether I jog the entire route or walk more than five minutes, I will be ok. I am going to go out and give it my best....turn the mind off and tune into some tunes on my Ipod and get into the zone.

My 5K is tomorrow at 8:15 a.m. EST. Wish me luck....